Added a custom command weather in order to get a 3-hour weather report for a location. Returns coordinates, weather description, temperature and wind degrees & speed. Requires an OpenWeatherMap API key to be added under Configuration -> Add-On Settings.
Added a panel in the Sample Dashboard to leverage the weather command, showing which completed segments within ~5 miles/~8 kilometres currently have a tailwind.
Added a strava_segments KV Store lookup with details of each segment, along with a total count of each segment and the direction of the segment (text and degrees). A saved search populates the lookup daily at 3am.
Removed deprecated references to TCX files in sample dashboard and replaced it with code based on strava:activities:stream sourcetype.
Added fullname to strava_athlete KV Store lookup and made it an automatic lookup, adding the firstname, lastname, fullname fields.
Added strava_types.csv CSV lookup (automatic) for prettier activity types, e.g. the VirtualRide type becomes Virtual Ride using a new type_full field for backwards-compatibility.
Added strava_index macro, which is set to index=strava by default.
Updated the Sample Dashboard to improve search efficiency.
Added support for activity streams, which allow for second-by-second analysis of all sensor data in an activity (time, distance, heart rate, power, altitude and more). Requires reindexing data if you want it for activities already in Splunk.
Removed support for undocumented feature to retrieve raw workout files in favour of the stream support for a universal approach.
Improved documentation and logging for the webhook input.
Removed hardcoded host and source inputs to comply with best practices.
Improved Strava API rate limit handling.
Python 3 only version, so only supported on Splunk Enterprise 8.0 or later.
Added ‘strava_athlete’ lookup table to store athlete id, firstname, lastname, ftp and weight.
By default the lookup table will be populated with athlete ID, firstname and lastname. To get FTP and weight, you will have to get a new access token as it requires additional Strava’s permissions (profile:read_all).
Added support for multiple Strava accounts. Please read the details page before upgrading from 1.x as additional steps are required to avoid reingesting events already in Splunk.
Improved error messages in case of Strava authentication failures.